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Hardness Total,Test Strips

Item # 2745250

Water hardness is caused almost entirely by calcium and magnesium ions. Other di- and trivalent metals have a similar effect, but usually are not present in high enough concentration in potable waters to cause problems. Hardness increases soap consumption in laundries and causes scale in boilers. Contains 50 tests.

Easy to use, disposable, and inexpensive
A great way to obtain quick, quantitative answers in the field or in the lab

*mg/L unless otherwise noted, ppb = µg/L, ppm = mg/L.; gpg = grains per gallon; 1 gpg = 17.1 mg/L or 17.1 ppm. 1EPA-accepted for wastewater. Check with your regulatory agency.


Additional Information

Steps: 0, 25, 50, 120, 250, 425 ppm



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